Concert for Tolerance - 1995


1. CountDown
2. Chronologie 6
3. Revolutions
4. Chronologie 3
5. Equinoxe 7
6. Souvenir of China
7. Chronologie 4
8. Magnetic Fields 1
9. Ethnicolor
10. Vivaldi Tribute
11. Industrial Revolution, Overture
12. Industrial Revolution part 1
13. Industrial Revolution part 2
14. Industrial Revolution part 3
15. Band in the Rain (unplugged)
16. Oxygene 4
17. Digisequencer
18. Eldorado
19. Calypso
20. Fourth Rendez-Vous

Medvirkende musikere:
Guy Delacroix
Sylvain Durand
Laurent Faucheux
Dominique Mahut
Dominique Perrier
Francis Rimbert
Patrick Rondat

Dato og sted:
14. juli 1995

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